Programs and Projectsorganic farming: healing the Rift
We are educating people in the North Rift of Kenya about biointensive farming to enable them to have a secure source of food and create sustainable occupations. A major study by the United Nations presented in 2008 says that organic farming offers Africa the best chance of breaking the cycle of poverty and malnutrition it has been locked in for decades. We are working to make that possibility a reality in the North Rift. Never Ending Food Moringa Farming Permaculture Research Institute in Australia The Permaculture Master Plan – Permaculture Worldwide The People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty The Backpack Farm Agricultural Program (BPF) Care International, SEED Project: Vilanculos, Mozambique Great Green Wall project Food Vision Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative
A coalition that seeks to avert planet-wide food and environmental crises through a “whole landscape” approach. Read more: Whole Landscape Approach Can Help Feed the World Sustainably Africa and Developing WorldCORAF/WECARD
West and Central African council for agricultural research and development African Agriculture Blog Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa AGRA works to achieve a food secure and prosperous Africa through the promotion of rapid, sustainable agricultural growth based on smallholder farmers. Smallholders--the majority women--produce most of Africa's food, and do so with minimal resources and little government support. AGRA aims to ensure that smallholders have what they need to succeed: good seeds and healthy soils; access to markets, information, financing, storage and transport; and policies that provide them with comprehensive support. Through developing Africa's high-potential breadbasket areas, while also boosting farm productivity across more challenging environments, AGRA works to transform smallholder agriculture into a highly productive, efficient, sustainable and competitive system, and do so while protecting the environment. FANRPAN: Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources policy Analysis Network Vision: A food secure southern Africa free from hunger and poverty. Related WiserEarth Portals
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Research Centers and Coalitions