A Five-Year PlanTraining in Sustainable Methods
Sanitation (composting toilets), health and hygiene, organic agriculture, solar food storage, solar and renewable energy, microenterprise, biogas, beekeeping, small animal management, pest management, local food production, rainwater harvesting and water catchment, among others Innovative Classes for Life-Long Learning Classes and treatments in nutrition, bodywork and yoga and other healing methods; Guinean music, dance, and culture; Child development and parenting; Conflict resolution and ethical law enforcement; Computers and communications; Internships for student volunteers; Conferences and working sessions on sustainable solutions with local community leaders and activists. Testing Green Products and Tools The EcoCentre will provide a practical field “lab” for Guineans to experiment with green technologies that provide not only solutions for basic needs, but also create new and innovative livelihood and business opportunities. We will set up a Sustainable Registry that contains a catalogue of products and tools based on the assessed needs of the EcoGuinea community, and invite green companies to donate sample products to be tested by individuals and communities. Creating Prototype Solutions By testing various green products in real-life situations we can develop prototypes of practical solutions that can be easily replicated at low-cost and inspire other communities to implement them and provide feedback. Our team will test prototype solutions in the field by installing low-cost ecofriendly systems in local homes and neighbourhoods, including in the 7 towns and 3 islands where our NGO staff members and volunteers reside: i.e. rain catchment, compost, sewage, renewable energy kits, sturdy housing, solar cooking stoves, permaculture gardens, etc. Distributing “Toolkits” We will distribute “Toolkits” of ecofriendly supplies or equipment tailored to specific problems, such as: first aid kits, healthy pregnancy, solar power generators, clean kitchen, house repair, sewing, school readiness, starting a garden, etc. We collect examples of such integrated “kits” distributed by other projects and will draw on their experience, as well as creating our own versions. Each prototype being tested in the field can be monitored by local student interns and refined as the needs of a community change. The Centre will incorporate feedback from all participating communities on what is or is not working and add to our online archive. Incubating Small Businesses and Creating Jobs Some of the tested products and prototypes will lead to small business enterprises, as well as manufacturing and distribution opportunities. We can apply findings on which sustainable products prove effective and appropriate in local settings to encourage investment in small businesses that manufacture and distribute these tools— leading to job creation and healthier infrastructure. Our venture experts can provide advice to new entrepreneurs on how to develop business plans, supply chains and distribution channels using fair trade and sustainable practices. |