With the hands-on guidance of sustainable design experts, we will construct our initial energy-efficient and integrated model EcoHome and Garden on the EcoCentre land. Over time, we plan to experiment with several forms of sustainable housing and record our results to aid in further improvements. We will utilize several sustainable technologies that have been honed over many years from several sources, eventually finding blends that best suit the extreme climate, the people’s needs and sensibilities, as well as the most functional, practical and cost-effective designs. The long-term goal is to develop prototypes of an EcoHome and Garden that can be tailored to various climates and community needs. Integrated housing includes systems for self-sufficient waste-food-energy cycles). With advice from our experts, our team will train local Guineans to products, tools, and systems for housing, sanitation, sewage and renewable energy. This will include Permaculture techniques, rain catchment, composting, solar cooking and By building a family dwelling from the ground up we can show how the needs of a typical Guinean extended family can be met, using affordable, sustainable methods. The desired outcomes are: drastically improved sanitation conditions, greater self-reliance for Guinean families, healthier environments for all, and hope for a better future. |