The Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) A unique partnership of 36 African countries, 8 regional economic communities, 3 African institutions, and many national and international development partners - all dedicated to ensuring that the transport sector fosters Africa's poverty reduction, pro-poor growth, and regional integration.
SOLAR BIKE An Australian business that specialises in electric conversion kits for bicycles. We offer a range of motor powers suitable to all riders and specialise in using the latest lithium ion battery designs available. Our other areas of expertise are designing and building custom electric bicycles, using the sun's energy to power these bicycles and algal biofuel research.
IFRTD The International Forum for Rural Transport and Development (IFRTD) is a global network of individuals and organisations working together towards improved access, mobility and economic opportunity for poor communities in developing countries. As a Southern-driven global network IFRTD works to improve policies and practices in transport operations, infrastructure, access and service provision that will benefit the lives of poor rural communities in developing countries through dialogue, information sharing, capacity building, research and advocacy.